
Monday, April 30, 2018

Pink cake with elephant macaron tower

English fruit cakes are traditionally eaten over the Christmas holidays and I don't really see them being sold year-round (though there is the canned variety available sometimes). So I was surprised when the request for the flavour of this cake was for an English fruit cake! It was for a 1st birthday celebration, and the family was trying to stay away from "cream cakes". So, English fruit cake it was, though there are many other options available for "non-cream" cakes! 

Pink Elephant Macaron Tower cake
(photo courtesy of Milleaville)

So this cake was jam packed full of almost 1kg of dried fruits, comprising of sultanas, currants, orange and lemon peel, candied cherries and of course, raisins. The dried fruits were soaked overnight in strong black tea, making them nice and plump and full of flavour. Christmas in April it is! 

all set to fruit cake
smells like Christmas

The cake is simply decorated in pink fondant, with a fancy script glittery name plaque, in my handwriting :), which I cut out using an Xacto knife. 

fancy script plaque

Topping the cake is Milleaville's super cute pink elephant macaron tower! Happy 1st Birthday to baby Han Wee.

Happy 1st Birthday, Han Wee!

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