
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kirby Cake

To continue with the Nintendo theme, I got to make this cake for my son's best buddy, who is an avid Nintendo Switch gamer. He was into his Pokémon phase last year, and his fave Pokémon was Jigglypuff. Interestingly, his new fave game character is just as round, just as cute, and just as pink...Kirby!! Hey, who says boys can't be into pink things??

Kirby Cake

I was surprised to hear that the birthday kid requested for a salted caramel cake this year. He has always, always been into anything Oreo! So the cake is a delicious brown sugar cake, filled with super yummy salted caramel buttercream. This flavour was a hit for the wedding cake that I made for my cousin last month! Nothing like ooey gooey homemade salted caramel.  

spoon-licking salted caramel buttercream

The sphere cake was baked in a ball-shaped cake pan, with each half split into two layers and filled with buttercream. The cake is essentially a 3-tier cake, with cake boards separating the sphere, and the larger round cake that Kirby sits on. Easier to cut and serve this way. 

dirty icing the ball cake

It's tricky to frost a sphere completely smooth. You gotta try to get it as smooth as possible though, cuz once the fondant is draped on, all those little lumps and bumps will show through! Here's a pic after smoothing on the second coat of buttercream. 

trying to get a smooth final buttercream coat

I may have made Kirby's eyes a little too large, but hey, it adds to the cuteness factor, and I didn't hear any complaints from the birthday kid!

Kirby looking extra cute

The party was held at Tag Team at East Coast Park. The kids had a super fun time burning off steam and shooting each other in the dark room battlefield! After Happy Meals for lunch, it was time to cut the cake! 

Laser Battle time!

birthday kid and his happy mummy

The birthday kid initially did not want to cut Kirby up. He only wanted to serve the blue tier to his friends and take Kirby home! Haha that's the thing with these 3D cakes. It's hard to watch your fave character get cut into pieces! (and some people even order full-body 3D carved baby-shaped cakes for a baby shower... can you imagine cutting into a baby?? and a red velvet one at that. Yipes!)

"Nooo, don't cut him!"

just cut the blue tier!

The salted caramel cake was enjoyed by all, including the birthday kid's grandma, who is not a sweet tooth! I'm pleased to say that she even had two slices! Hahah, anyway, Happy 7th Birthday, Julian! 

Kirby's "brains" :P

salted caramel cake slices

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