
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sheep Cupcakes

After seeing the super cute marshmallow sheep cupcakes I taught the kids to make at a cupcake decorating activity last month, I got the opportunity to make these sheep cupcakes for a little boy celebrating his first birthday!

cute Sheep cupcakes

The cupcakes are chocolate cupcakes, frosted with vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream. I kept the frosting white because you can sort of see it in the spaces between the marshmallows, so I didn't want brown chocolate frosting peeping out. 

fondant heads in progress

To decorate the cupcakes, we have to make sheep heads. Colour some fondant a light peach, then roll it into an oval shape. Indent the nostrils in with the fondant tool or a toothpick. Then add on white fondant circles for the eyes, adding on black fondant pupils (cut out using a no. 2 piping tip). The ears are larger fondant circles, folded in half and attached onto the head using a little bit of water. 

adding on their marshmallow wool

After placing the fondant heads on the "front" of the frosted cupcakes, the sheep are now ready for some wool. The "wool" was made by arranging mini marshmallows all over the frosting, starting in a semi-circle around the head, and then working up and around until all the frosting has been completely covered with marshmallows.

well hi there!

marshmallow sheep cupcakes

all packed up and ready to go

These cute cupcakes went on this baby Sheep-themed dessert table, put together by Hokey Pokey. This sheep theme is pretty popular this year, since many babies born last year in the Chinese year of the sheep are now celebrating their first birthdays! Have a baa-tastic 1st Birthday, l'il man Kendrick!

sheep cupcakes on display*

Happy 1st Birthday, Kendrick!*

*pics from Hokey Pokey

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