
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Winnie the Pooh & Friends Cookies

I had fun making more Winnie the Pooh and friends cookies! I was a little apprehensive about making Piglet and Eeyore though, because I didn't have cookie cutters for them! I even resorted to going on eBay to try and get a hold of some cookie cutters but they were just too darned expensive! And Eeyore cookie cutters are only available in the UK for some reason?

Winnie the Pooh & friends sugar cookies

Anyway, instead of cutting the sugar cookies to shape, I made all of them round so that they would be of uniform size. I cut yellow and pink fondant fluted circles out and used those as a background on the cookies for Winnie the Pooh and his friends. The easiest to make was Winnie the Pooh, since he is only one colour! I used my handy dandy Winnie the Pooh cutter to cut out Pooh heads from thinly rolled fonant and then pressed the "embosser" stamp that came with the cookie cutter to get Pooh's facial details. After letting these cut-outs dry for about 15 mins, I went back in with a black edible food marker and drew in the details on Pooh's face. The Pooh cookies look sweet with the baby pink background. 

Winnie the Pooh sugar cookies

Next up was Tigger. I also had a cookie cutter so making Tigger wasn't a problem. He was more challenging to make though, since more colours on his face! I cut and stamped out Tigger heads from orange, yellow and pink fondant, and then used an X-acto knife to trim the parts of his face out in the appropriate colour, and then reassemble them, using a little bit of water to attach them together. I used the same black edible food marker to finish off the details on his face, and here we have Tigger cookies! Think I should've made his nose a shade darker though, like the last time I made Tigger cookies.

Tigger sugar cookies

Now, for Piglet & Eeyore, since I didn't have cookie cutters, I first picked suitable images of Piglet & Eeyore from the internet, printed them out, glued them on some cardboard and then carefully cut the cardboard out. With the cardboard cut-outs of Piglet and Eeyore as a guide, I carefully cut them out of pink and blue fondant using an X-acto knife. I used some regular blue and periwinkle blue food gel colours to get the blue shade that I used for Eeyore. 

Piglet sugar cookies

After I was done cutting out Piglets, I cut all their ears off! <Evil laugh> Ok, don't worry because I cut more ears out of darker pink fondant, again using the cardboard cut-out as a guide. Piglet was then reassembled with by brushing the edges of the ears with a bit of water and then sticking them back on Piglet's head. I cut Piglet's nose out using the Winnie the Pooh cutter and stuck it on upside down. Black edible food marker was used to draw the details on Piglet's face.

Eeyore sugar cookies

Finally, for Eeyore, he was cut out pretty much the same way as Piglet, except he was more challenging because he has more colours and details on his face! I built Eeyore's face up, layer by later, leaving his peach muzzle last, and again using the cardboard guide and an eXacto knife to cut out each piece. I used a round piping tip to cut circles for his eyes, and then gently shaped them into ovals. I used the same tip to cut out circles for his eyelids, only using half for each eye. I drew on Eeyore's eyes, hair and the line down the top half of his face with a black edible food maker. I used a brown edible food marker to draw the lines and his mouth on his muzzle. I thought these extra detail just made him look a tiny bit better! I'm so happy with how these cookies turned out! It's all in the details!

Happy colours & fun details on these Pooh & friends cookies

I let the cookies dry for about 4 hours in airconditioning before wrapping them up. It is important to let the fondant dry out before wrapping, or you will get unwanted things happening in the bag, like fondant weeping, colours running...basically, a sticky mess. Sugar cookies can keep for a long time, as long as they are in an airtight container, but I do hope the people that got to take these cookies home gobbled them up instead!

Pooh & friends cookies for party giveaways

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