
Monday, December 22, 2014

Gingerbread Men & Santarina Gingerbread Woman

I met up with a bunch of my ex-coworkers for lunch today. It was so nice to catch up and share stories and laughs. That's the one thing I miss most about working. Not at all the job itself, but I miss the people.

Gingerbread Man & Santarina Gingerbread Woman

Anyway, since it's Christmas-time, I wanted to surprise them with Gingerbread cookies! I really liked how the Gingerbread boys and girls turned out for the Minnie birthday party last Sunday, but this time, I wanted to decorate the girls in a Santarina outfit. So she looks a little chubby & her dress may be a tad small for her...remember, she is made out of butter and sugar!

Ginger & Gingy

I used both fondant and royal icing to decorate the cookies. The bow ties on the boys and the bows on the girls were made using two fondant hearts, stuck together with their pointy ends meeting. It's an easy way of making a bow. The boys' buttons are brown mini m&m's.

All wrapped up and ready to go.

I was actually late for lunch cuz I spent an extra 15 mins bagging the cookies and twisty-tieing them. Thought they look much nicer individually bagged and they'll stay fresher for longer too. I hope my buddies share the cookies with the rest of the people at the office. But then again, those people are on leave for the holidays and they'll never know if they don't get one, right? ;)

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